Tired of sinus congestion? Breathe easier and reduce snoring with the Ortorex Nasal Strips!
The ORTOREX™ Nasal Strips is a great solution for those who are tired of waking up at night to grasp some air. They expand the nasal passages to allow air to be more easily inhaled. They also provide more ventilation, improving nasal microcirculation. Not only do they help you breathe easily and freely, but also reduce snoring at night. Moreover, they alleviate the stuffy nose to provide you with a more peaceful, undisturbed night’s sleep. The ORTOREX™ Nasal Strips are perfect for those who suffer from snoring, nasal congestion caused by allergies and colds, sinus infections, deviated septum, or nasal mucosa.
Benefits of using our nasal strips:
- Open nasal passages and increase airflow
- Improve sleep
- Reduce snoring
- Help to breathe with ease
- Relieve cold and allergies congestion
- Provide instant relief for 12 hours
- Do not cause irritation
- Do not peel skin off
Two flexible «spring-like» pieces gently lift the outside of the nose to open the nasal valve, which is the narrowest part of the nasal passageway. It improves nasal airflow by 31%, allowing you to breathe smoothly through your nose. Our nasal strips can be used for up to 12 hours at a time, day or night. Most importantly, they are drug-free, so they can be added to existing treatments without fear of drug interactions. Plus, our strips do not form a habit, so you can safely use them long-term.
The ORTOREX™ Nasal Strips are made of natural and high-quality materials. Our strips are 100% hypoallergenic, so you do not have to worry about any irritation. Each strip consists of two parallel bands of flexible plastic embedded in a special pad. For the surface, breathable and porous non-woven fabric is used. For the bottom layer, pressure-sensitive adhesives are featured. Moreover, The ORTOREX™ Nasal Strips are available in two sizes, making them suitable for both children and adults.
How to use:
Before applying a nasal strip, make sure to clean your skin for better adhesion. Then, after drying your skin, remove the liner and place the strip over the bridge of your nose. Stick the strip and hold it for 30 seconds for better results. Once these steps have been done, the nasal strip will start working, so you can enjoy a relaxing nighttime sleep. When you need to remove the nasal strip, make sure to wet it with warm water. Then, gently lift both ends and carefully remove the strip. Each strip should be used only once.
✔️ PROMOTES A FULL NIGHT’S SLEEP — By reducing snoring and sinus congestion, our nasal strips provide a calm and relaxing night’s sleep, saving you from waking up tired or groggy and disturbing others with snoring.
✔️ REDUCES SNORING & HELPS BREATHE EASIER — Thanks to pulling the nostrils and sides of the nose open, the ORTOREX™ Strips allow for up to 31% more airflow, easing your breathing and reducing stuffiness and snoring.
✔️ INSTANTLY CLEARS PASSAGES — Our product starts working the moment you place it on your nose bridge, providing instant relief on nasal congestion, so you can freely breathe through your nose.
✔️ DOES NOT FALL OFF — The ORTOREX™ Nasal Strips are highly adhesive, they will stay on your nose bridge during the whole night to alleviate your symptoms.
✔️ PERFECT FOR SENSITIVE SKIN — The ORTOREX™ Nasal Strips are 100% hypoallergenic and do not cause any irritation, itching, or soreness, making them suitable for any skin type, including the sensitive one.
✔️ SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES — Depending on the size of a nose, our nasal strips are suitable for seniors, adults, teenagers, and even children.
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